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  • Writer's pictureBaia Mare Urban Sports

#365volley facts - April

The info campaign #365volley continues! Every day we will post interesting facts from the volleyball world, for 1 year, on our Facebook page. The materials have been researched by the international volunteers Alexandra (Portugal), Azer (Azerbaijan) and Alejandro (Spain) and prepared by Andreea (Romania). Follow us on Facebook to find out more about its history, variations, playing rules and more about this world!

Here are the April facts!

1. A daily intake for a player should be based around nutrient-rich carbohydrates, (grainy breads, brown rice, quinoa, whole meal pasta); lean protein sources, (lean red meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy and lentils) and healthy fat sources, (avocado, olive oil, nuts and fish); as well as fruit and plenty vegetables.

2. Individual intake will be determined by the frequency of training, size of athlete, individual requirements and adjustment for growth in younger athletes and should be discussed with an Accredited Sports Dietitian to ensure an athlete’s goals are met.

3. Since adequate hydration is essential for performance, particularly skill and decision-making, it is an important consideration for volleyball players. Volleyball is usually played indoors in a controlled environment although, players should be aware that they can still lose significant amounts of body fluids when playing at these venues due to the physical demands and intensity of a match.

4. The need to remain well hydrated, drinking regularly throughout the day, especially with meals or snacks is important. Players should aim for regular amounts of pale yellow urine over the day as a useful indicator of good hydration status.

5. Immediately before training or competition having a small amount of fluid (200-300 ml) not only helps with hydration, but also prepares the gut for accepting fluids throughout the game.

6. The record for the largest beach volleyball tournament is for the senior male division of the Usedom BeachCup 2007 with 236 players in the division, played in Karlshagen, Insel Usedom, Germany, from 27 to 29 July 2007. The entire event consisted of 890 participants across six different divisions. The tournament was formed by 334 teams.

7. Athletes should maintain good hydration through the regular fluid intake, and replace fluid deficit accrued during training or a match. Water is a good option, although a sports or electrolyte drink may be beneficial if playing for longer than 1 hour.

8. Staying hydrated is vitally important during longer games and in hot weather to maintain performance. Environmental conditions and individual sweat losses are the main determinants of fluid needs.

9. A meal or snack should be consumed in the 2-4 hours prior to the start of a match.

10. Food and fluid choices should be familiar to the individual to avoid unexpected problems (e.g. stomach upset). A simple way to avoid any problems is to ensure that all food consumed in the hours leading into important matches has been trialled in similar conditions or matches.

11. Some athletes will struggle to eat solid foods close to the start of a match and could try replacing meals with liquid carbohydrates, (e.g. sports drink, juice or flavoured milk), which may help to avoid stomach upset.

12. For an individual with a healthy base diet as described above, carbohydrate loading should not be essential due to the low level of aerobic activity coupled with the downtime off-court available to eat and drink within a match or between matches in a tournament setting.

13. Data from a volleyball spike by Bulgaria’s Matey Kaziyski registered at 132km/h (Italian Cup, 2010, in Montecatini), faster than a water polo throw and a softball pitch according to an article published in La Gazzetta Dello Sport’s weekly magazine SportWeek

14. Some ideas of carbohydrate-rich meals to eat before a match include (depending on the time of day and individual tolerances and likes) include:

Porridge with milk, maple syrup and a banana

Tub of yoghurt with fruit salad

Sandwich with meat/chicken/cheese or nut butter

Creamed rice and a piece of fruit

Vegemite and cheese sandwich or wrap

Toast or English muffin with avocado

Pasta with a tomato-based sauce

Sushi or rice paper rolls (avoiding fried fillings)

15. As in any sport, recovery is vital and is accelerated by consuming a meal or snack containing carbohydrate to replace muscle glycogen stores; protein for muscle repair and fluid to replace sweat losses soon after finishing.

16. When several games are played in close succession a recovery meal or snack should be consumed within 30-60 minutes of finishing matches to maintain optimal performance right through to the end of the tournament.

17. In many cases, an initial smaller snack followed by a proper meal of carbohydrate, protein and vegetables provides the necessary components for recovery.

18. Some recovery snack ideas include:

Sports Bars (the combination of protein + carbs)

Chocolate/flavored milk

Grainy sandwich with meat, fish or cheese

Yogurt with fruit and added nuts

Milkshake, Fruit Smoothie

19. Healthy fats should contribute about 15 to 30 % of the daily caloric requirements of a female volleyball player. However, you must watch out for solid fats such as butter, lard and others as they increase the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.

20. The longest set happen in Czechoslovak League, and reached 87:85 points. Greek League reached as well a high score with having a set won by 54:52.

21. You should endeavour to meet your caloric needs by consuming healthy vegetable oils, including olive oil, canola oil and others. A daily intake of about six teaspoons is recommendable for an average female volleyball player.

22. You can rectify the deficit of healthy fats from sources like avocado, nuts and fish with high-fat content, such as salmon.

23. Although highly unwanted, accidents happen as well in volleyball. Let’s see the 5 most frequent ones.

Ankle: sprains are the most frequent type. And while the most are not severe those are can result in fractures and ligament /tendon injuries that may require surgery

24. Knee: jumper’s knee (patellar tendonitis) is when the tendons around the kneecap (patella) become irritated by small micro-tears, resulting in knee pain and stiffness

25. Shoulder: the high-stress motions of spiking and serving are done by competitive players can result in injuries to the tendons and ligaments that support the shoulder.

26. Fingers: players can suffer jammed, dislocated and fractured fingers from contact with the ball, the net and even their teammates. Long-term issues can include pain and deformity

27. The tallest volleyball players are Dmitrij Muserski (RUS) with 218 cm, and Jekatierina Gamowa (RUS) with 202 cm. At the opposite pole, the shortest players are Oh Jung-Rok (KOR) with 170 cm, and Yūko Sano I Yoshie Takeshita (JAP) with 159 cm.

28. Lower back: lower back pain is fairly common among volleyball players as a result of muscle or ligament strain

29. How are the volleyball injuries being treated?

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis - During serving and spiking, the rotator cuff muscles are important in generating the necessary power to move the shoulder. While rarely completely torn in young players, these muscles can get irritated or fatigued with overuse. Often, rest and physical therapy services may be enough to resolve pain. If pain persists, talk to your physician.

30. Finger Injuries - Fingers are vulnerable to injury during volleyball activities, such as blocking, setting, and digging. Common finger injuries include fractures, dislocations, and tendon and ligament tears. If you are unable to bend the finger, consultation with your sports medicine professional or athletic trainer is important. Treatment can vary significantly depending on the injury.

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