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  • Writer's pictureBaia Mare Urban Sports

Getting motivated to start is easy

Picking the right thing? Not so much.

Many people like the idea of incorporating more physical activities into their lives yet it can pose a challenge to find a good fit. Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself when looking for the perfect match for you.

1) What is my goal?

Ask yourself what you want to achieve by more exercise. Do you want to lose weight? A stress relief? A bonding experience that you can practice with your family and friends? Or just a new hobby that additionally makes you release energy?

Be clear and honest about your expectations. In the end, you won’t feel fulfilled by something that is not facilitating what you’re trying to accomplish.

2) What are my resources?

Which clubs or sports facilities are in your reach? Do you have a trainer that can guide you in case you need one? How much money and time are you willing to invest into this? Can you borrow equipment? Are there books, videos or courses you can learn from? Do you have a health condition or past injury that could be worsened through certain activities?

It is nice to want to try out, for example, skiing, but if you live in an area where you are rarely delighted by snow, it can be challenging – though not impossible – to find the possibility to give this winter sport a try. Keep such obstacles in mind and reflect on whether it is worth it to you to put in the effort to overcome them.

3) What are my previous experiences?

Maybe you have already played some sports in your childhood. Maybe you have attended a club before. Think about what you particularly liked about those activities – or even more what you didn’t. Do you like team sports or are you a single player? Do you like ball games or prefer rackets? Do you enjoy repetitive movements or need the edge of always learning new tricks? Outdoors or indoors?

Your interests and personality can give a helpful hint on which sport is suitable for you.

If you cannot find answers to some questions yet, that is absolutely fine. You will obtain them by time and experience. Another crucial thing to consider is that only trying out will give you a definite answer on what’s working for you and what not. Things you have tried and hated in the past might have become more enjoyable over time, so you can start from there if you feel lost in the quest to find an activity that gives you joy.

- Ipek

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