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  • Writer's pictureBaia Mare Urban Sports

How to choose the suitable martial arts for you?

Most of us know martial arts are ”any of various fighting sports or skills, mainly of East Asian origin, such as Kung Fu (Pinyin gongfu), Judo, Karate, and Kendō.” Sometimes when we watch a movie that includes fight scenes such as Jackie Chan movies, we feel the desire to try flying in the air or destroying a preach with our bare hands. Although it looks cool and exciting, you should choose the one for you wisely. By the end of the article, you are going to have a deep look at how to choose the perfect one and how to enjoy it.

First, you do not have to join it for the sake of the Olympics, martial arts is really enjoyable and you can do it for personal reasons. Some martial arts work on your flexibility, defensive skills, self-confidence level, or even your fitness level. I know these are the main points till now, but once you personalize it you’ll find the answer to your question” what is the suitable martial art for me?”; the answer is your 1st priority. Think about the thing that you want to gain from this type of sport, and try to be as critical as you can to get the core of your willingness for this type of sport.

Take care not to choose the sport according to the geographical aspects, go to the future and discover more about the potential around you. Once you have the answer to the question, make sure of having a good instructor as this sport depends on the actual instructor. Follow the timeline of tour training and notice your improvement if you are not at a good level within 6 months of starting the sport, so I can tell you that it is not the right one for you. Lastly, do not choose a sport according to a movie scene, I know it might look cool but most of the martial arts represented in movies are not that practical in real life.

Not recommending a specific martial art for you to choose from is the point of the article, because it depends on how you choose not to receive recommendations. In the end, we hope that you would join the perfect martial arts for you and always remember to be curious!

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