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V 4 Volunteering - sport

Why this project?

The core of the identified problem is the reduced participation in sport volunteering activities, among all the project partners local and general national context.


Given the needs' analysis, the main resulted directions from the analysis that are to be approached in this project are:

  • information about volunteering in sports – a sharing information platform is needed at the national level, including the local events to be promoted; the benefits of volunteering in sports for organisers (time and cost efficient – the costs with providing the volunteer a full board is generally lower than having to hire and pay an employee for doing the same task); the benefits for volunteers for sport events that go even deeper than the general volunteering (high speed reaction, critical thinking, fast decision taking, assuming responsibilities, protection of the athletes’ privacy, etc)

  • information about sport events – information about the sport itself (how is it played, what are its rules), promoting local, regional and national sport events and access to as many persons as possible also for the less popular sports

  • developing competences – the benefits of obtaining competences and soft skills that are lowly promoted and developed during the formal education due to the curricula (team work, leadership, responsibility, etc); promotion and implementation of local physical and sport activities for the mass; organizing sport and physical activities events and competitions

What do we want to achieve?


From the resulted directions mentioned before, the project’s main purpose is to increase the number of persons involved in volunteering mainly in sports in Romania, Turkey and Spain, but at the international level as well.

  • To create and maintain 1 informative platform throughout the project, for promoting sport results, athletes’ performances, sport events and volunteering in sport opportunities, that would reach at least 3.000 subscribers

  • To develop and test 1 training course online and its printable version with materials and information for preparing the 200 international volunteers in sport events

  • To develop organisational, communicational and digital competences of 20 persons through 100 local events, 1 training course and 1 tournament

What do we want to do?


A1. Project management

  • preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities

  • communication and collaboration with partners


A2. Promotion and information

  • creation of promotion and visibility materials

  • dissemination and exploitation measures

  • communication with the target group, larger audience

  • elaboration of the Olympic, Paralympic and Non-Olympic sports compendium


A3. Transnational meetings

  • meetings with partners to check the management of the project, as well as to plan the common activities


A4. Volunteering in sports

  • survey analysis - what is it needed for being fully trained for volunteering in a sport event?

  • elaborating and testing training course materials through online and on-site trainings


A5. Local activities

  • promoting physical activities and sports

  • testing the training materials by organising or participating in sport events

  • informing the local sport clubs regarding the importance and benefits of working with volunteers for organising sport events


A6. Baia Mare Urban Sports tournament

  • organising a national beach volley tournament where to put in practice all the training materials created

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.

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